Loren and I have finally found a home, we just put money down on it today. We are suppose to close in two weeks!!!
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Our new home
Loren and I have finally found a home, we just put money down on it today. We are suppose to close in two weeks!!!
Monday, September 29, 2008
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Happy Birthday Mom

This is belated, but there were so many things to post this week, I wanted my mom to have a special day all to herself. My mom celbrated her 70th birthday on September 17. She always has to share this day with my anniversary.
I wanted my mom to know what a wonderful, amazing woman she is, there are so many days that she never hears a thank-you, or how proud I am of her for all she is to ME, she is the epitome of a matriarch!!!!
Mom, I love you and I am so thankful that I was able to be your daughter!
I love you,
Here are a few pictures of my mom last year on our trip to New England, she had the camera most of the time, so I have only a few of her alone!
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
WOW, 28 years !!!!

There was a boy, there was a girl...and the rest is history!
Today, is our 28th Anniversary! On September 17, 1980 Loren and I were married. Sometimes I wonder where times goes! I was going to try to come up with something to say that was cleaver, but my ideas are not forthcoming.
Somewhere along the way Loren and I grew in our relationship! Only we grew out! Yes, the years have added pounds, but you know what. We had fun!
Happy Birthday Danielle

Once upon a time, in a land far away there was a baby born, her name Danielle Renee, she looked just like an eskimo baby! She was born September 15, 1982 she weighed 9 lbs 13 oz and was 22 inches long. Danielle was the most content baby ever! She and Matthew were only 11 months apart, but I know had I not got pregnant with Danielle when I did, I might not of had any more children. Danielle was a blessing to me as she taught Matthew how to play! Matthew always loved his sissy!
Happy Birthday Danielle, I am so proud to be your mother, you are such a beautiful daughter of God! I am so proud of how hard you work to be the very best mother you can be!
Monday, September 15, 2008
Happy Birthday Ryder...here are some pictures from his party and my trip to Utah! I had the BEST time hanging out with my family. Ryder is getting so big, he was so funny, but I think Aurellia stole the show, she is a chow hound that girl! Plus, what 2 year old do you know who actually can put mascara on herself? That girl can do it like a pro! LOL
Also, I have some pictures of Parker, he is getting so big! Time is just flying buy!
I went to a party!!!! Happy Birthday Ryder
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Happy Birthday Ryder!!!!!!!!!!!

Ryder Matthew was born September 9,2007...Happy First Birthday sweet baby!
After One year of ups and downs and 10 weeks at Primary childrens Medical Center Our Ryder has defied all odds and is turning one! Look at his beginnings..all hooked up to machines and look at him now! I am going to Utah for his birthday party this weekend so check back early next week and see pictures of his birthday!!!
Monday, September 8, 2008
One year ago!
Just last year, Danielle and I drove out to Utah so we could "maybe" be in Utah for Ryders birth...well, just so happens we were!
The night before he was born, we had a girls night at Laura's house...Saundra was getting a little crazy, eating junk and laughing we had such agood time. I left at about 10 pm and after I left I guess life got a little crazier...here are a few pictures to remember what we were doing last year! Look how cute she is in Matthews shorts! In the middle of the night she went into labor! Then life got exciting!
Saundra you go girl!
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Ryders Big Week!

Looking back over the last year, we are all just amazed at how fast time has flown by! Our sweet little Ryder was born almost one year ago. Since this is HIS big week, I felt like posting early for this sweet precious boy!
Ryder was born September 9, 2007, though is birth was anticipated there were so many obsticals against him. I am so happy to report that Ryder now approching his 1st birthday is doing well! His is healthy, happy and doing all the things little one year olds should be doing. What a difference a year makes.
Here is a picture of Ryder taken in late July! He is so adorable! I will post more as the week moves! But He deserves more than one post for sure!!!!!
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