Sunday, November 16, 2008

The BYU game at the Air Force Academy

Loren and I went to the Air Force vs BYU Game today. We had a great time! The weather was nice, but COLD... BYU won the game 38-24!!! Though I do have to say, the Cougs played bad during some points in the game!

The Jets were doing a fly by...AWESOME! Wish I had better pictures or a faster camera.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

A few more Pictures

This is an accomplishment...because This closet was such a mess. Now, we can at least see the floor!

I haven't used my tub yet, but Taylor has, she loves taking a bath in the big tub. Although, this tub is smaller than the one in my old house.

So now that you've seen these pictures you know that I'm not all that organized! I'll take more this week of the other bedrooms. They are actually done, I just forgot them in this go round!

You can see now why I had not posted pictures of the house, not everything is finished.
Look at that Santa, I don't know what to do with this space. I am hoping that I'll figure it out soon. Maybe a bronze statue would be good? Just an idea!

Monday, November 10, 2008


I know it is early to be thinking about Christmas. But Christmas is truly my favorite holiday EVER! Even over my birthday. I love the season of sharing and giving. I can't wait until the season starts. I'm so excited to have Christmas in my new home! I wish all my dear friends could be here to celebrate with us.

Friday, November 7, 2008

updated pictures

Here are a few updated pictures of the house. We still have not finished parts of the house (I still have not finished parts of the house) like our bedroom, more pictures to follow this weekend of the rest of the house. Still no curtains in the dinning room, I thought the curtians (sheers) should be in this weekend or early next week. Loren will hang the cutrains in the entrance way and the blinds so I'll be able to talk more pictures. So, check back soon!