Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Wall Color

Loren and I have decided to paint a few rooms, not all but some. We've put some paint on the wall (OK I did, Loren could careless) to see what colors we want to use.

The red is a keeper, that is called Pomegranates and then the top yellow is called conduit, the bottom left is called Safari Tan and the bottom right is called Quarry.

What do you think?

Happy Birthday Laura

Yes, I know I am late in posting this too...But I haven't been home! So, I'm trying to squeeze everything in while I am thinking of the blog.

Laura was 24 years old on March 19th.

Laura's surgery

Ok Laura might kill me, but oh well, what is new. While I was in Utah last time, I had to stay longer because Laura had emergency surgery to remove her gallbladder. She was all goofy prior to the surgery, but when the surgery was over, she was a different girl. She's feeling better now, so that is good news.