Friday, January 28, 2011

Sledding on New Years Day

On New Years day we went sledding with all the grandkids, Matthew, Saundra and the kids drove down to Laura's and we took all the kids sledding. We had a fun time. The kids were all having a super fun time, until Parker got taken out by Aurellia near the end of our time. He got a fat lip, and a bloody nose on both sides. Then Sariah got taken out not once, or twice, but four times by older kids and adults. Other than that, we had a fun time!


I am behind on all my blogs...such a sad thing, when I was so caught up before. I will attempt to catch up on my blogging...if not all tonight, soon!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Christmas for Aubrey

Aubrey didn't really ask for much for Christmas. So, she got what she got!

Christmas for Connor

For Christmas Connor wanted new Jeans, he even asked Santa for new jeans. That about broke my heart to hear an 8 year old say all he wanted was some new jeans...and a DS. Santa must of had other ideas. Connor got lots of new jeans, but no DS.

Christmas for Taylor

All Taylor asked for, for Christmas was a baby and a DS...she didn't know what a DS was, but she wanted one, just because the kids were talking about them. She got her baby and her baby bed, but no DS, she survived!

Loren thought the days of putting toys together were OVER...hahahah little did he know. Taylor was so happy she had grandpa to help put her baby bed together.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Christmas Eve

What would pie be without whip cream, well this year I was lazy so I bought the stuff in the can, Loren and the kids had a fun time with it, he loves to put it in his mouth, but this year he allowed the kids to do it too...they had a blast.


New Pajama's for Christmas, the kids always love them and we love seeing them in them.

Paying Respect

Over The holidays we were blessed with the opportunity to drive out to the cemetary and put a wreath on the grave of our dear friends parents. This is a wonderful opportunity for the kids to remember to pay their respect to someone who lived before them. This is also a way to help them understand death and to serve someone even in death. My dear friend Bonnie's mother and father are buried in Denver, she lives in Utah, so we are very happy to go put flowers and weaths out during special times. Loren and I actually knew Bonnie's mother so we feel like she's family. Thank you Bonnie for allowing us this opportunity.