Friday, November 23, 2012

Thankful November, day 22

Today is thanksgiving. I have thought about what I am thankful for this whole month and I do have to say that my family is all safe, everyone is warm, I have beautiful children and grandchildren. I am so blessed to have such a diverse group of children. I love them all!

I am missing being close to my parents and siblings. I hope that next year I can be closer. I am so thankful for all they do for me!

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Thankful November, Day 21

I'm thankful for Marie Callender pies, she really does make some pies better than I do! I tried to make a homemade pecan pie tonight, and it boiled all over the oven, it smoked us out of our home. I nearly died, what a disaster. So, I must say to go along with that I am thankful for self-cleaning ovens even though they stink, It cleaned up my sticky mess in my oven!

Monday, November 19, 2012

Thankful November, Day 19

Today my heart turns to my parents who have been without power for 18 hours, they live on the cost in Oregon and have been hit hard by storms. Since they are in their mid 70s, I am worried about them. I am thankful for modern techonology that allows me to still talk to my parents. I am thankful for electricity, because without the invention of electricity I would not enjoy the lights and warmth I take for granted.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Thankful November, Day 18

Today I am thankful because I know that my family can be together forever!

Thankful November, Day 17

Today, I am thankful for the National Adoption day, I am thankful for adoptions. Thankful that we adopted three of the most amazing children EVER!

Loren and I have been so blessed since we have had these children three and a half years ago. I find that these children have enriched my life to a degree I could not have ever imagined. I thank God everyday for them!

Friday, November 16, 2012

Thankful November, Day 16

I am thankful for my home, for the warmed in my home. I am thankful that my husband is able to provide our family with a place to live and be comfortable and safe. So many people are without homes now, without warmth. I am so lucky and blessed to have a home and all that I have inside my home.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Thankful November, Day 15

Today I am thankful and blessed that my husband listens to impressions. This morning I was about to leave for my internship, I was going to take my husband's car because he was going to take the kids to school and pick them up. At the last minute he decided to take his own car and put Taylor's car seat in his car. While at my internship I got a message from my husband that after he dropped the kids up and was headed to work, he had a flat tire. Not only did he have a flat, his tire shredded. It would have happened to me, because I drove father than he would have that morning. He ended up getting four new tires, which he did need. I feel so blessed, that I was not behind the wheel when his tire blew.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Thankful November, Day 14

Today I am thankful for my van. I think sometimes I take for granted that I have such modern convinces, but today I remembered what my ancestors had to do when they wanted to horse and buggy, or just horse. by railroad, or boat, or even by walking. I am so thankful that I do not have to walk everywhere I go!

I'm thankful that I was born in a modern era.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Thankful November, Day 13

Today, I am thankful for all my children. My children might not always do everything I would like them to do, but they are my children and I love them all.

When my oldest Matthew was born he brought so much joy into my life. I never thought I would have so much love to give. He was my first born and there is something special about first borns. I have missed those times when my kids were younger.

Danielle was such a blessing in my life, when she was born she was such a perfect baby, nobody was more perfect than Danielle. She played well, slept well and she taught Matthew how to play with his toys. They were the best of friends, just amazing! Danielle has taught me many lessons. One of those lessons is to be patient and wait for the Lords timing. I'm waiting!

Laura was born and I was so happy, we were such poor students at the time, but she was such a happy baby. The kids loved her, she was so perfect. She makes my heart happy to see her today as a beautiful wife and mother. She knows that life isn't easy, but she keeps herself grounded and keeps trying.

Jon was my baby for so long, he will always be my baby in my heart. I feel so blessed to have him as a son. He has so many goals in life, and he does not let anything stand in his way..there is something to be admired about that. Jon has had his share of challenges too just like all the other kids, but he has risen above all that, he has a beautiful wife and daughter who amazing me every day!

Aubrey is the most amazing daughter of God I have ever had the opportunity to raise, she is grounded in life, she has such amazing values. She is smart and beautiful. I'm blessed to call her my daughter.

Connor is the sweetest boy you can know. His heart is so full and always in the right place. He is all boy, he loves bugs, and snakes, and all kinds of creepy things. At the end of the day he is such a good boy!

Taylor has the best Taylor kisses and huges. She is a lover, she loves her daddy and its so sweet to see them sitting on the couch while she reads to him. Its fun to see her just growing up and becoming a beautiful girl. She is now my baby, but oh so much fun to have at home.

I love all my children they range in age from 31-6, but they are amazing! I wouldn't trade it for anything else...

Monday, November 12, 2012

Thankful November, Day 12

Today I am so thankful for my jewelry business. I have the best time selling $5 jewelry that is trendy and fun...I haven't ever  met anyone who didn't like my stuff and all the girls signed up under me to sell it, they are all doing awesome! I am so thankful for a business that helps me earn extra money and do it by having fun! I love that the jewelry is trendy.

I'm thankful before I get to wear some of the best jewelry and everyone has wonderful compliments!

My life is good and I am so blessed!

Thankful November, Day 11

Today, the kids and I stayed home from church because three of the four of us had sick tummies. I am so thankful that nobody threw up. I have such a phobia about throw the point that I can not be near anyone who is sick, I will run the other way...lliterally!

I have thought about how lucky and blessed I have been through the years. Today, I am thankful that I have had pretty healthy children for the last 31 years. I am thankful that none of my children have had any serious health issues, I just wrote that I was thankful that we have never had a broken bone, but then i remembered my son Jon who broke his ankle when he was young playing football. He was on crutches for 6 weeks and then in a walking cast for another two weeks. That was a long time for a young boy! Otherwise, we have not had anyone other broken bones. We have had lots of stitches though.

I am blessed!

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Thankful November, Day 10

Today,  I am thankful for all the people I know who are incredibly talented. We went to a friends house last night, she is an incredible pianist and her husband is an artist. A group of invited people sat and listened to her play Chopin and then we had a silent auction for his art work. I was so blown away how they intertwine their crafts and are able to both work from home.

Everyone has talents of one kind or another, but this lady teaches my children piano, she has taught them more in two and a half years than my older chidlren learned the whole time. I am blown away at how beautiful the music sounds when its played right. She is an amazing teacher and my kids love going to piano because they are able to spend 30 minute each being tutored by the best.

She would absolutely be one of the reasons I would hate moving and one of the people I would miss the most. She has been such a huge support to my sweet children.

I used to play the clarinet...I was super good in Junior high school (for junior high), I was ok in high school...but I haven't touched my clarinet n years (literally, my sister has it). I sang int he choir in high school. I can type fairly fast, but I never proof..hahahah!

Just makes you think of what talent do we have? Do you know what your talent is?

Thankful November, Day 9

Today I am thankful for all of my ten grandchildren. Really there are only seven now, because we adopted three of them. I am so thankful for their life and that I am able to be their grandmother. I know that I am not always there with them, but they are always in my heart.

When Aubrey was born, she was a plump beautiful baby, I'm so glad that she is now my daughter.

Michael is growing up so fast, he is a smart boy who loves sports, video games and probably stuff I don't even know..I am sad I can't see him often.

Connor is such a sweet boy, who has a heart of gold. Connor loves insects, and the genus book of world records. I am so thankful to call him my son!

Saryah just turned 8 and is sweet as can be, she always tells me like it is! Saryah is a girlie girl!

Taylor loves anything dolls, she can play with her "babies' for hours without realizing it. I am so thankful she is my daughter

Aurellia is the funniest girl, she stands up for herself. She has curly hair and is the and has the best smile, even her eyes smile.

Ryder is so special, he was born with a hole in his diaphragm he had a seriously rough start to life, but he is five now and doing so well. He's a survivor!

Parker is a go getter, he is going strong all day long. He is happy and loves blue and dinosaurs.

Paige has the cutest little smile, and the loudest scream ever! She came where our family needed some joy, she is her mom and dad's bundle of sunshine.

Paityn is such a happy 1 year old, I miss her so much. She loves, her dogs, books and big smiles!

I am so thankful for these sweet children, I wish we lived closer to all of them so I can be a bigger part of their life.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Thankful November, Day 8

Today I am grateful for my education. When I graduated from high school I just wanted to get married, and have a family. I never thought that I should go to college, a career was not something that I sought after. When we moved to Colorado seven years ago I decided that it was now or never. So, I registered for school, and with total faith I took the plunged to start my education. I graduated with my undergrad degree in July 2010 and two weeks later I started my masters and will finish that up in June 2013.

I am not sure I am ready to take on the world in the work force, but I am so ready to be finished with school. I am thankful for the education I have, the friends I made in school and those who have taugh me to love learning.

I could not think of a better way to improve me!

My life is blessed!

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Thankful November, Day 7

Today, was our puppies first birthday, so I am so thankful for having her in our home. She is such a sweet dog, she is so good. Our kids have taught her so many tricks, she even knows how to pray. Its the best! I'm thankful that the week we adopted her, and surprised the kids. Today as I was tucking Aubrey into bed, she said Shadow is so happy mom, its the best day ever! ;-) I love that these kids have such joy in their life.

Shadow's first birthday

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Thankful November, Day 6

I am thankful for today for many, many reasons! First I am thankful for my freedom I have and the right I have to vote.
I voted last week to avoid the lines, it was fabulous! I am thankful for our founding fathers who set up this great land. I love America, and want to preserve it. I see so many negative things on facebook, and television adds. Living in Colorado a swing state has been difficult to say the least.

I am second most thankful for the fact that the election will be over today, good or bad, I am ready to move past the television adds and the phone calls. I unplugged my house phone last week, I plug it in long enough to check messages, that's it.

Thankful Tuesday, vote if you haven't. Because if you do not vote, you have no right to say anything! My political views are my own, but I will say...I am ready for change!

Monday, November 5, 2012

Thankful November, Day 5

Today, I am thankful for my husband's employment. I have to say, he has never been unemployed in all the years we have been married. I've never had to worry about where the paycheck was coming from, I've never worried about health insurance. I feel so blessed that Loren has always been able to provide for our family, that I haven't had to work except for the time he was in college. Otherwise, my working has always been volunteer.

When Loren was in college, he was not in the military anymore, but he was on an Army ROTC scholarship which was employment for our family, we did not have health insurance during that three years from the military, but we had Medicaid. I worked part time to help make ends meet and used other creative financing like food stamps, WIC, and the HEAT program in Utah. with the exception of this three year period of time, we have always had employment, and insurance.

I do feel blessed that we we have had a blessed life. I do know that the fact that Loren's never been on unemployment is an even bigger blessing, especially with the economy today where so many find themselves unemployed.

I am thankful for the stability that employment has brought our family. I am thankful that Loren has never sought big business, or corporate America.

God blesses our life in ways I can not even comprehend.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Thankful November, Day 4

Today, I am thankful for our modern conveniences. My son was traveling and had a two hour layover in Denver. My family was able to go to the airport and sit with him for an hour and a half. We had such a great time with him. I am thankful for Airplanes that bring loved ones closer to home.

Jon has not been in Denver since 2008, so it was fun to visit with him, here about his goals for his family, for his wife and daughter. I love my family!

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Thankful November, Day 3

Today, I am most grateful for my husband. I do not give him near enough credit for all he does for me. I sometimes take him for granted and just expect him to be there when I need him. However, for the last 32 years of marriage, through thick and thin, he  has stood by my side and fought for me. He has been there for all my success and failures, for all my trails and victories.

We were just kids when we got married, I had just graduated from high school, and he was in the Army. Here we are 32 years later with seven children and ten grandchildren. Life isn't perfect, but it is good! In the last few years I have grown to have a deeper love for my husband than I ever thought possible. I feel so blessed to be part of a union where love is abundant.

Thankful November, Day 2

Today, I am most grateful for finding out that I was accepted for an internship. I have worked hard over the last 7 years to go to school and in the eleventh hour I was accepted into an internship program...happy dance here!

I started my schooling when we first moved here, and over the course of the last 7 years I have finished my undergraduate degree and my masters degree, the only thing standing between me and my diploma for my masters is an 8 month internship...and today, I found out that I was accepted to one that is a great fit for me.

My masters is in Marriage, Family and Child therapy, I am so happy to be done with all the bookwork. Going to school for 7 straight years was a lot of work, besides that it was a lot of time and money.

I am thankful for my internship, but I am also thankful for my husband who has supported me through all this, he has been there for me when I wasn't even there for me. We have had so much going on over the last 7 years, moving to Colorado, three of my adult children got married, ten grandchildren, adopting three of my grandchildren and yet still finishing my masters. I'm not sure if I should laugh or cry, but I did it!

I could not be thankful for all this without recognizing my loving Father in Heaven who has guided me throughout the whole process and allowed me to become the woman that I have. I am so blessed.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Thankful November Day 1

I have thought about what I would say for the month of November, and how I would translate that into what I am thankful for this month. I have spent so many years being thankful for everything in my life. I find it is time to become specific in my thankful feelings.

Day 1

Today, I am thankful for my life, I am so thankful for a loving mother and father who have been such an example to me of love and charity. My parents never held me back as a young girl, they always encouraged me to be the best person I could be and to follow my dreams. With out my mother and father I would of course not be here on this earth.

I realize that coming here to earth is a choice, I made the choice in heaven to follow Jesus Christ. I came here on this earth to gain a body, to be tested and tried. I am here to find out why I am here..

"Have you ever thought there must be something more to life than just living day to day? There is—much more. Your life has a divine purpose.

God, your Heavenly Father, has prepared a marvelous plan for your happiness. When you realize that God has a plan for you, it is easier to understand why you are on this earth. God wants all of His children to progress and become more like Him. This time on Earth provides opportunities for you to grow and progress. Coming here allows you to:

■Receive a physical body.

■Exercise agency and learn to choose between good and evil.

■Learn and gain experience that will help you become more like your Heavenly Father.

■Form family relationships that may become eternal.

By following our Heavenly Father’s plan, you—like all of His children—can someday return to live with Him and with your loved ones. You can have greater peace in this life and eternal joy in the life to come. " (Find this information here)

Why am I thankful for my life? Because although my life is not perfect, I have had a very good life. I have had traveled far and wide, I have been married to the same man for 32 years, have seven children, and seven grandchildren. My life although not perfect, is amazing.