Tuesday, October 1, 2013

On the road again!!!

We took off in June and went to Utah. This time we took the dog, it was a fun visit!
 Shadow claimed her seat in the front!
 Paige showing me how she can stand on her head
 Parkering Standing on his head.
 Parker showing me how squirt gun!
 Movie night in the park...we had a great time, but it was cold!
 My bestfriend Rhonda and me
 Rhonda and me
 The movie...so fun!
 Laura and me
 We got hair cuts while we were there...YES!!! Aubrey even got highlights
 Connor was so happy to get his hair cut
 Took Connor by the hospital he was born.
 On the road home...Connor and me
The dog did not like Connor sitting in the front so she got on his lap.

School is over!

June the kids finished school, we always go over to our friends and celebrate it. This year she had a poster for the kids to stand in front of...so this year was epic!

Pack meeting

 Connor's pack meeting in May. This is a fun time for him, he loves scouts!

Their having a.........

Jon and Renae found out in February that they were pregnant with their second. At first they were not going to tell anyone what they were having, but finallly they did and this was how they announced the sex of the baby...its a BOY!!! Paityn was excited to participate in this announcement. Her baby is due any day now (since I am so late in posting this).

Monday, September 9, 2013

Yard project!

In the spring we decided to take out three bushes that have not done well. So we removed them, moved rock and well never planted anything yet. We hope to do that in the next month or so! ;-)

Lunch at Old Chicago with my girl!

Over the summer, Aubrey and I had a mother and daughter date, we went to Old Chicago...mmmmm its a great place, but better than the food, we had so much fun. She got a free meal, because they messed up her order! SCORE, plus they felt so bad they gave her a free dessert that we shared.

Grandchildren in April

We got to attend Parkers game! He is a good baseball player!

 Paige is a comic! she is a happy girl!
 Ummmmm not sure about this picture, he is NOT going on any calander when he is older. silly boy!
 Parker had a preformace that we tried to get to on time, but missed it, so instead we went to subway and got breakfast.

 Cute sweet grandbabies Parker and Paige
 She is adorable!
Laura's sweet family, love them so much!

Friday, August 23, 2013

This is AUGUST...how did that happen!

This summer has gone by so fast, I have no idea what happened to it. First of all, we started out June going to the library as I promised we would. We took a quick trip to Utah for me to cut and color my hair, I also got Aubrey's hair colored and cut, Connor and Taylor's hair cut. We had a nice visit.

Then I graduated the end of June with my masters in Marriage, Family and Child therapy. I decided after all these year of going to school that taking a break was a great idea...so that is just what I did, I took the summer off to enjoy my family, without any homework, internship or even a class.

In July we went on a family vacation to St. George, but before that happened Jon and Renae moved to Utah...so we helped them unpack that truck...three days later we were off to St. George. We had a great time, it was wonderful to hang out with the family. The kids all had a great time swimming and playing with their cousins. The very last day we were there, I got so sick, I could not even get out of bed. I told Loren the night before on our way home from the St. George Temple, that I felt like I was starting to get Bronchitis, well low and behold by morning I felt like death. I coughed, and coughed, wasn't able to do anything that day.

We drove home, and I thought I was going to die coughing in the van on the way home. The next morning first thing I called the doc, who confirmed I had bronchitis...she gave me a zpack and cough syrup and set me home to drink lots of fluids and rest...that I did, a week later when the zpack was gone, I was worse than I started, so I went back to the doc where she told me I had pneumonia. That explained a lot. She put me on a steriod for a few days, a stronger antibiotic and I went back to bed.

My parents came to visit while I was sick, that was nice, that my mom was able to cook some meals and help me. I am so grateful for that.

After my parents left, school started back up.....

We also celebrated Connor's birthday, Paityn's birthday, Aubrey's birthday, Loren's and Parkers birthdays during that time...whew!

I'll try to get around to posting pictures..I'm just starting to feel normal again!

Friday, June 7, 2013

Its been a long time old friends!

Today is the first day of summer vacation for my children. The last few months have been so busy I can't even begin to express how little time I did have. Between school, internship, and family I have been going a million different directions.

Today to kick off our summer break I have something special planned for the kids. I know that they will be excited, but I haven't told them.

We are going to the library!!! They will be excited to get their own library cards and have plenty and unlimited summer reading material! 

Monday, March 25, 2013

Spring Break

Funny how snow just continues to add up outside, when its spring break for the kids. On Friday, our first day of spring break we had mild weather in the morning and early afternoon, and then we got a snow storm in that was probably our best this year, at least 12 inches of snow. We've had another mild winter, which doesn't bod well for living in a desert.

Today, as I woke up, looked out the window at the beautiful snow, the first thought I had was what a beautiful day, a fresh new day. All the white snow is like a day of renewal, and fresh new start. Wouldn't that be nice to wake up to a fresh new start everyday? I think of all the beautiful things that this life has to offer...the spring flowers are on the top of my list of things I love. I especially love tulips, they are my all time favorite flower. They just are so beautiful and vibrant with color. I love the blue sky as I look out my window I can not see a cloud in the sky, just sunshine from every angle. It makes me want to wake up, shout HOORAY for a bright new beautiful day!

These are two pictures that make me think of the things I love, spring and fresh starts. Have you ever had a day where you think, if I could only start today over? well sure you have, we all do. Today, is like a fresh start, its Monday, its the week before Easter, so many amazing reasons to allow today to be a fresh start. Winters can seem so long for some, and for others not long enough. I know for me that by April 1st, I am ready for spring flowers, spring like temperatures, and a myriad of other spring type things.

Start today, and find what makes you happy, and find what makes you want to be a better person. Its a fresh new start, a new day!

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Weekend Trip to Colorado Springs

We went to Colorado Springs for the last four days, the kids went through the Betty Ford Colorado Children's Program to teach them about Addiction. This program is geared to help children understand its not their fault, and they are not alone. Although, I could not take any pictures of the kids at the program, I did take a couple when we went to dinner one night. The kids do not understand the theory behind all you can eat food bars at Golden Coral. Connor came to the table with a bowl of pepperoni, and pickles. I just shook my head. Then they found the desserts so that was the end of that.