Aubrey turned 10!! The third time is the charm, She had three birthday parties and the one with her friends was her favorite, we did a spa party. The girls had a great time, they made their own pizza and then they danced on some with Wii. The girls had a fun time!!

Aubrey's best friend Lindsey


The spa party

Happy Birthday Aubrey you sweet girl, I love how much joy you bring!


Homemade pizza (build your own)

Hannah, Lindsey, Aubrey, Miranda and Kaitlyn

the girls with Taylor too
1 comment:
Superb! It must have been so much fun. Girls party is always a great idea. I will be turning 25 this year and I still love partying with my girls. This time I have booked one of the finest NYC venues for the party and later everyone would come over for the slumber party.
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